
The following articles are available in the Foundation's archives.

The Role of Language in Intelligence in What is Intelligence?, The Darwin College Lectures, ed. Jean Khalfa, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press. 1994

THE ROLE OF LANGUAGE IN THE PERCEPTUAL PROCESSES By Alfred Korzybski1 [Reprinted from PERCEPTION: AN APPROACH TO PERSONALITY, edited by Robert R. Blake and Glenn V. Ramsey. Copyright 1951, The Ronald Press Company, New York.]

March 7, 2001 Time Spent in English-Proficiency Programs The length of time students with limited English skills should spend in English-proficiency programs has become a hotly contested political issue, as well as an academic one...

NewScientist February 28, 2001 Duncan Graham-Rowe Let's talk A new artificial intelligence program could be smart enough to learn language the way we do...

Education Week February 28, 2001 Mary Ann Zehr Ark. Bill Would Require Spanish Courses The Arkansas Senate passed a bill last week that would require all high schools in the state to offer Spanish among their foreign-language offerings, an unusual move that the bill's author said could give Arkansas an economic edge in an era of globalization...

Education Week February 21, 2001 Mary Ann Zehr Bush Plan Could Alter Bilingual Education President Bush's proposed education plan would get rid of a stipulation that the federal government give preference to bilingual education over English-only programs---a move that worries some bilingual education supporters and wins high praise from opponents of the instructional approach...

An Introduction to the National Language Research Institute -- A Sketch of Its Achievements -- Third edition(1988)

An Introduction to the National Language Research Institute Fourth Edition (1998) (New 1999-05-09) This is a PDF Version of the Fourth Edition of An Introduction to The National Language Research Institute: A Sketch of Its Achievements (March 1999). Present version: ver. 1.10

The file size is 1429KB. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0J or higher to read this.

International Japanese Language Studies Database Analysis -- Data Archive

Research on the World's Language Research Institute

"Japanese Linguistics" The purpose of this journal is to contribute to the development of a variety of different areas in the study of Japanese.

Applied and Theoretical Research Cognitive Neuroscience

Development of the Double-Deficit Hypothesis: A new conceptualization of developmental dyslexias (M. Wolf, P. Bowers)

Reading disabilites research in non-English speaking children: a study of naming speed deficits in Hebrew (Z. Breznitz, T. Katzir-Cohen)

Magnetic Resonance Images and learning disabilities: A retrospective (M. Wolf, P. Renshaw) Clinical-Developmental Research

Study of risk and resiliency in reading disabled populations

Design of new instruments to evaluate risk factors in childhood (G. Noam, L. Miller, A. Goldberg)

Diagnostic innovation: the implementation of the Rapid Alternating Stimulus (RAS) task (M. Wolf)

Effective assessment of reading disabilities and reading achievement (M. Wolf, R. Morris, M. Lovett, J. Frijters, J. Jeffery, P. Cirino) Back To Top


Study of the role of African-American Vernacular English in the reading disabilities of African-American children

Design of a new instrument to document use of Vernacular English (C. Gidney, T. Deeney)